Since our founding in 1979, Creamy Creation has always had a focus on CSR and sustainability. Although we’ve made progress in this area throughout the years, we’re continuously striving to improve our policies & limit our impact on the environment. Taking care of our employees, and the earth is central to our corporate DNA. We have numerous initiatives which are currently being implemented:

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• On-site solar panels being installed with the ambition to have 25% of energy from solar

• Realized a 20% reduction in electricity per liter in 2021 compared to 2019

• Realized a 12% reduction in natural gas

• Renovation of the Rijkevoort headquarters designed with energy efficiency components, including LED lighting in all rooms

• Long term partnerships to properly and safely dispose waste, including quarterly reporting and insight on achieved improvements

• In 2021, 22% of Creamy Creation employees ride their bike to work